czwartek, 18 listopada 2010


Piątkowe zajęcia zapowiadają się równie ciekawie. Zapraszamy!!!
Piątek 19.11, godzina 18:00.
Prowaszący : Ewa.

Global Education Week: ethical consumerism.
This week I would like to invite you to a Language Café meeting to talk about Global and
Development Education issues. Development Education aims at raising our awareness
of global economic, social and political links between our own lives and those of people
throughout the world. It also means developing skills, attitudes and values which enable
people to bring about change, and to take control of their own lives.

We are going to begin with a short brainstorming activity, and next focus upon the
issues of conscious consuming sustainable living and voluntary simplicity. We will watch
Annie Leonard’s movie “The Story of Stuff” and discuss it, along with topics such as green
marketing, fair trade, charitable contributions i.e. alternative gift market and philanthropy.
During discussion we will try to figure out what we can do to create a more sustainable

See you on Friday afternoon!

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